White Papers

Version 1.0.0 17
AdvertiseTypeDescriptions = WS-Identify, Interop Namespace
AdvertiseTypes = 1, 1
InstanceID = DCIM:JobControl:1.0.0
OtherRegisteredOrganization = DCIM
RegisteredName = Job Control
RegisteredOrganization = 1
RegisteredVersion = 1.0.0
B) ENUMERATE the CIM_RegisteredProfile class. See section 3.13 for a definition of
Class URI:
Then query the result for the following properties:
RegisteredName = Job Control, OtherRegisteredOrganization = DCIM, RegisteredVersion = 1.0.0
9.2 List all jobs in job store
ENUMERATE the DCIM_LifecycleJob class to view all available instances of the class. For the
class and general instance URI structure
Class URI:
The instance information of all available virtual flash media will be returned
9.3 Get one job’s information
The URI for getting particular instance information is deterministic (i.e the InstanceID will be
unique for each instance)
A) Obtain the applicable instanceID from section 9.2
B) For the job instance in the system, replace [instanceID] with the instance from A), and the
instance URI will be:
The instance of DCIM_LifecycleJob that contains the information on the job will be returned
9.4 Schedule one or more jobs
A) To invoke the SetupJobQueue() method construct the input parameters per section
Table 5
B) INVOKE SetupJobQueue() method