White Papers

10 Version 1.0.0
7 Implementation Requirements 112
This section describes the requirements and guidelines for implementing Dell Sensors Profile. 113
Table 2 – Class Requirements: Sensors Profile 114
Element Name Requirement Description
DCIM_PSNumericSensor Mandatory
The class shall be implemented in the
Implementation Namespace: root/dcim.
See section 7.1
DCIM_NumericSensor Mandatory
The class shall be implemented in the
Implementation Namespace: root/dcim.
See section 7.2
DCIM_Sensor Mandatory
The class shall be implemented in the
Implementation Namespace: root/dcim.
See section 7.3
DCIM_SystemSensorDevice Mandatory
The class shall be implemented in the
Implementation Namespace: root/dcim.
See section 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3
DCIM_AssociatedSensor Mandatory
The class shall be implemented in the
Implementation Namespace: root/dcim.
See section 7.1
DCIM_ElementConformsToProfile Mandatory
The class shall be implemented in both
the Interop and Implementation
Namespace: root/dcim.
See section 7.4
The class shall be implemented in the
Interop Namespace.
See section 7.4
DCIM_LCElementConformsToProfile Mandatory
The class shall be implemented in both
the Interop and Implementation
Namespace: root/dcim.
See section 7.5
The class shall be implemented in the
Interop Namespace.
See section 7.5
None defined in this profile
7.1 Power Numeric SensorDCIM_PSNumericSensor 115
This section describes the implementation for the DCIM_PSNumericSensor class that represents the 116
power related analog sensor. 117
This class shall be instantiated in the Implementation Namespace: root/dcim. 118
The DCIM_SystemSensorDevice association shall reference DCIM_PSNumericSensor instances and the 119
DCIM_ComputerSystem instance. 120
The DCIM_AssociatedSensor association shall reference DCIM_PSNumericSensor instances and the 121
DCIM_ComputerSystem instance. 122