White Papers

26 Version 1.2.0
Property Name Requirement Type Additional Requirements
7 - Degraded
9 - Missing
10 - Charging
12 - Below Threshold
PredictiveCapacity Mandatory Uint32
The property shall be following
0 Unknown
1 Ready
6 - Failed
7.1.6 Enclosure Mangement Module View - DCIM_EnclosureEMMView 438
This section describes the implementation for the DCIM_EnclosureEMMView class. This class shall be 439
instantiated in the Implementation Namespace: root/dcim. 440 Resource URIs for WinRM
The class Resource URI shall be “http://schemas.dell.com/wbem/wscim/1/cim-442
schema/2/DCIM_EnclosureEMMView?__cimnamespace=root/dcim” 443
The key property shall be the InstanceID. 444
The instance Resource URI for DCIM_EnclosureEMMView instance shall be: 445
schema/2/DCIM_EnclosureEMMView?__cimnamespace=root/dcim+InstanceID=<FQDD>” 447 Operations 448
The following table lists the implemented operations on DCIM_EnclosureEMMView. 449
Table 13 – DCIM_EnclosureEMMView - Operations 450
Operation Name
Required Input
Instance URI
Class URI Class Properties 451
The following table lists the implemented properties for DCIM_EnclosureEMMView instance representing 452
the EMM in a system. The “Requirements” column shall denote whether the property is implemented (for 453
requirement definitions, see section 3). The Additional Requirementscolumn shall denote either 454
possible values for the property, or requirements on the value formulation. 455
Table 14 – DCIM_EnclosureEMMView - Properties 456
Property Name Requirement Type Additional Requirements
InstanceID Mandatory string
The property shall have the value
of the FQDD.
FQDD Mandatory string
The property shall represent Fully
Qualified Device Description
PrimaryStatus Mandatory uint32
The property shall represent the
status of the device and shall be