White Papers

42 Version 1.2.0
Table 26DCIM_RAIDService.ResetConfig() Method: Return Code Values 679
Value Description
0 Request was successfully executed.
2 Error occurred
Table 27DCIM_RAIDService.ResetConfig() Method: Standard Messages 680
MessageID (OUT parameter) Message
STOR003 Missing parameter
STOR004 Invalid parameter value
STOR006 General failure
STOR007 Resource Allocation Failure
Table 28DCIM_RAIDService.ResetConfig() Method: Parameters 681
Qualifiers Name Type Description/Values
IN, REQ Target String FQDD of target device (Controller)
OUT RebootRequired string A value of “Yes” means a reboot is required to
set this value, and a value of “No” means a
reboot is not required to set this value
OUT MessageID String
Error MessageID is returned If the method fails
to execute.
OUT Message String
Error Message in English corresponding to
MessageID is returned If the method fails to
OUT MessageArguments[] string
Substitution variables for dynamic error
8.3 DCIM_RAIDService.ClearForeignConfig() 683
The ClearForeignConfig() method is used to prepare any foreign physical disks for inclusion in the local 684
configuration. 685
Table 29DCIM_RAIDService. ClearForeignConfig() Method: Return Code Values 686
Value Description
0 Request was successfully executed.
2 Error occurred
Table 30 – DCIM_RAIDService.ClearForeignConfig() Method: Standard Messages 687
MessageID (OUT parameter) Message
STOR003 Missing parameter
STOR004 Invalid parameter value
STOR006 General failure
STOR007 Resource Allocation Failure
STOR018 No foreign drives detected