White Papers

Version 1.2.0 45
Table 36DCIM_RAIDService.CreateVirtualDisk() Method: VDProp 719
VDPropNameArray Name Requirement Additional Requirements
Size Optional Size (in MB) of the virtual disk.
RAIDLevel Mandatory The new RAID level such as 0, 1, 5, or 6
Mandatory onlyfor
Number of spans in virtual disk.
Mandatory only for
Number of disks per span.
StripeSize Optional See DCIM_VirtualDiskView class (see section 7.1.3).
ReadPolicy Optional See DCIM_VirtualDiskView class (see section 7.1.3).
WritePolicy Optional See DCIM_VirtualDiskView class (see section 7.1.3).
DiskCachePolicy Optional See DCIM_VirtualDiskView class (see section 7.1.3).
VirtualDiskName Optional Name of the virtual disk..
Initialize 0 - Fast
Starting logical block address of virtual disks in
blocks. If 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, startingLBA is
calculated programmatically. The value can be in
hexadecimal or decimal format.
For example, in hexadecimal format 0xFFFF.
For example, in decimal format 65535.
Table 37DCIM_RAIDService.CreateVirtualDisk () Method: Return Code Values 721
Value Description
0 Request was successfully executed.
2 Error occurred
Table 38DCIM_RAIDService.CreateVirtualDisk () Method: Standard Messages 722
MessageID (OUT parameter) Message
STOR003 Missing parameter
STOR004 Invalid parameter value
STOR006 General failure
STOR007 Resource Allocation Failure
STOR010 RAID level not supported on controller
STOR011 Stripe size not supported on controller
STOR009 Physical disk FQDD did not identify a valid physical disk for the operation
One or more Storage device(s) not in a state where the operation can be
STOR009 Physical disk provided is not valid for the operation
STOR015 Maximum virtual disks allowed for this controller has been reached
STOR016 Disks provided are too small to create Virtual Disk of this size
STOR043 Physical Disk is part of Virtual Disk that is not Secondary Raid Level 0