White Papers

46 Version 1.2.0
MessageID (OUT parameter) Message
STOR044 All Physical Disks specfied are not part of the same disk group
Physical Disks have holes, StartingLBA and Size parameters are required to
create a Virtual Disk
STOR046 Invalid StartingLBA and/or Size
STOR051 StartingLBA and Size combination goes beyond Physical Disk size
STOR052 Unsupported number of Virtual Disks on a controller or disk group
STOR054 Controller is not cachecade capable.
Table 39DCIM_RAIDService.CreateVirtualDisk () Method: Parameters 724
Qualifiers Name Type Description/Values
IN, REQ Target String FQDD of target device (controller)
IN, REQ PDArray[] String
Array of FQDDs where each FQDD identifies a
physical disk..
IN, REQ VDPropNameArray[] String
Indexed array of Virtual Disk property names
with relative values contained in
VDPropValueArray parameter.
IN, REQ VDPropValueArray[] String
Indexed array of Virtual Disk property values
relative to VDPropValueName parameter.
OUT RebootRequired string A value of “Yes” means a reboot is required to
set this value, and a value of “No” means a
reboot is not required to set this value
Reference to new virtual disk
OUT MessageID String
Error MessageID is returned If the method fails
to execute.
OUT Message String
Error Message in English corresponding to
MessageID is returned If the method fails to
OUT MessageArguments[] String
Substitution variables for dynamic error
8.6 DCIM_RAIDService.GetDHSDisks () 726
The GetDHSDisks() method is used to determine possible choices of physical drives that can used to set 727
a dedicated hotspare for the identified virtual disk. GetDHSDisks() returns success if it has evaluated the 728
physical disks for potential hot spares, the PDArray return list can be empty if no physical disks are 729
suitable for hot spares. 730