White Papers

56 Version 1.2.0
Qualifiers Name Type Description/Values
OUT MessageArguments[] String
Substitution variables for dynamic error
8.14 DCIM_RAIDService.SetAttribute() 804
The SetAttribute( ) method is used to set or change the value of a RAID attribute. 805
Invoking the SetAttribute() method shall change the value of the attribute’s CurrentValue or attribute’s 806
PendingValue property to the value specified by the AttributeValue parameter if the attribute’s 807
IsReadOnly property is FALSE. Invoking this method when the attribute’s IsReadOnly property is TRUE 808
shall result in no change to the value of the attribute’s CurrentValue property. The results of changing this 809
value are described with the SetResult parameter. 810
NOTE: Invoking the SetAttribute() method multiple times can result in the earlier requests being 812
overwritten or lost. 813
Table 65DCIM_RAIDService.SetAttribute() Method: Return Code Values 814
Value Description
0 Completed with no error
2 Error occurred
Implementation of standard messages is optional. Standard messages defined for this method are 815
described in Table 66. 816
Table 66DCIM_RAIDService.SetAttribute() Method: Standard Messages 817
parameter) Message
STOR006 General failure
STOR007 Resource Allocation Failure
STOR039 Mismatch in AttributeName and AttributeValue count
STOR037 Missing required parameter <Parameter Name>
STOR038 Invalid parameter value for <Parameter Name>
STOR040 Invalid Attribute Name <Attribute Name>
STOR041 Invalid Attribute Value for Attribute Name <Attribute Name>
STOR042 Unsupported Attribute Value for Attribute Name <Attribute Name>
AttributeValue cannot be changed for ReadOnly Attribute Name <Attribute
Table 67DCIM_RAIDService.SetAttribute() Method: Parameters 818
Qualifiers Name Type Description/Values
IN, REQ Target String FQDD of of target device
IN, REQ AttributeName[] String
Shall contain the attribute name representing the attribute
to be modified, as specified by Attribute.AttributeName
property. The specified attribute shall be unique and shall
already exist.