White Papers

6 Version 1.2.0
RAID Profile 210
1 Scope 211
The RAID Profile extends the management capabilities of referencing profiles by adding the capability to 212
represent the configuration of RAID storage. The RAID storage is modeled as collections of attributes 213
where there are collections for the storage adaptors, physical disks, logical disks, end enclosures and 214
parent-child relationships between the collections. Additionally, there is a configuration service that 215
contains all the methods used to configure the RAID storage. 216
2 Normative References 217
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated 218
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced 219
document (including any amendments) applies. 220
DMTF DSP0131, Profile Registration Profile 1.0.0 221
DMTF DSP0226, Web Services for Management (WS-Management) Specification 1.1.0 222
DMTF DSP0227, WS-Management CIM Binding Specification 1.0.0 223
Dell Lifecycle Controller Best Practices Guide 1.0, 224
http://en.community.dell.com/techcenter/extras/m/white_papers/20066173.aspx 225
Dell WSMAN Licenses and Privileges 1.0 226
ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, Rules for the structure and drafting of International Standards, 227
http://isotc.iso.org/livelink/livelink.exe?func=ll&objId=4230456&objAction=browse&sort=subtype 228
Unified Modeling Language (UML) from the Open Management Group (OMG), 229
http://www.uml.org 230
Related Managed Object Format (MOF) files: 231
o DCIM_ControllerView.mof 232
o DCIM_EnclosureView.mof 233
o DCIM_PhysicalDiskView.mof 234
o DCIM_RAIDService.mof 235
o DCIM_VirtualDiskView.mof 236
o DCIM_LCElementConformsToProfile.mof 237
o DCIM_LCRegisteredProfile.mof 238
o DCIM_RAIDEnumeration.mof 239
o DCIM_RAIDInteger.mof 240
o DCIM_RAIDString.mof 241
Dell Tech Center MOF Library: http://www.delltechcenter.com/page/DCIM.Library.MOF
. 242
3 Terms and Definitions 244
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. 245