White Papers

Version 1.0.0 11
Properties Type Requirement Additional Requirements
ProfileRequireLicense[] string Mandatory
This property array shall describe the required
licenses for this profile.
If no license is required for the profile, the property
shall have value NULL.
ProfileRequireLicenseStatus[] string Mandatory
This property array shall contain the status for the
corresponding license in the same element index of
the ProfileRequireLicense array property. Each array
element shall contain:
If no license is required for the profile, the property
shall have value NULL.
8 Methods 255
This section details the requirements for supporting intrinsic operations and extrinsic methods for the CIM 256
elements defined by this profile. 257
8.1 DCIM_SoftwareInstallationService.InstallFromURI () 258
InstallFromURI method is used to generate the JobID for the update operation. 259