White Papers

Version 1.0.0 9
Figure 2 details typical Dell Video Profile implementation for a platform containing a video controller. In
order for client to discover the instrumentation’s support of this profile, VideoProfile is instantiated in the
Interop Namespace. VideoProfile instance describes the information about the implemented profile: most
importantly, the name and version of the profile and the organization name that produced the profile.
Video1 is the video view representing the video controller in the Implementation Namespace. It is
associated to the Interop namespace’s VideoProfile instance.
system1 : DCIM_ComputerSystem
Name: srv:system
Video1 : DCIM_VideoView
FQDD : Video.Embedded.1
BusNumber : 4
DeviceNumber : 4
PCIVendorID : 0x1111
PCIDeviceID : 0x1234
Manufacturer : XYZ Inc.
Description : Video Controller
systemview1 : DCIM_SystemView
FQDD: System.Embedded.1
VideoProfile : RegisteredProfile
RegisteredOrganization : 1 (Other)
RegisteredName : Video
RegisteredVersion : 1.0.0
OtherRegisteredOrganization : “DCIM”
CSProfile : RegisteredProfile
RegisteredOrganization : 2 (DMTF)
RegisteredName : Base Server
RegisteredVersion : 1.0.0
Figure 2 – Video Profile Implementation