White Papers

16 Lifecycle Controller Integration Best Practices Guide
1.5 Delimiter Usage for WSMAN CLI
Until wsmancli 2.3.2, "," was used as delimiter for selector set. With wsmancli version 2.5.0 onwards, "," has been
replaced with "&" as delimiter for the selector set since usage of "," conflicts with winrm which uses "," also as data
Example using wsmancli <= 2.3.0:
wsman invoke 'http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-
CService"' -h $1 -V -v -c dummy.cert -P 443 -u root -p calvin -a
ExportSystemConfiguration -k "IPAddress=" -k "ShareName=/nfs" -k
"FileName=config.xml" -k "ShareType=0" -k "Target=BIOS,NIC"
Example using wsmancli >= 2.5.0
wsman invoke 'http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-
CService"' -h $1 -V -v -c dummy.cert -P 443 -u root -p calvin -a
ExportSystemConfiguration -k "IPAddress=" -k "ShareName=/nfs" -k
"FileName=config.xml" -k "ShareType=0" -k "Target=BIOS,NIC"
1.6 Use of WQL/CQL query
When enumerating a WSMan Class with filters, using a CQL/WQL query such as SELECT <Property 1>, <Property
2>, … <Property i> FROM <CLASSNAME> (optionally)[ WHERE <CLAUSE>]”, at most 7 Properties may be
specified in the CQL/WQL filter property list. If more than 7 are specified, the Query will fail and return ‘ZERO’ results.
This is a limitation. Should there be a requirement to filter more, it is suggested to perform the filtering at the client end
or run multiple queries, but the latter would be far more inefficient.
1.7 Feature Discovery Procedure
There are four steps recommended to determining the feature set on a given system.
1. Interop namespace registered profile advertisement
a. winrm enumerate “cimv2/CIM_RegisteredProfile?__cimnamespace=root/interop" -
r:https://IPADDRESS/wsman -u:username -p:password -SkipCNcheck -SkipCAcheck - encoding:utf-8 -
a:basic -format:pretty
b. The output from above will provide the RegisteredVersion of each supported profile on the system. The
RegisteredVersion field can be used to determine the profile’s feature set. See Section 1.4 for more
Capability properties on views (NIC example)
a. winrm enumerate "cimv2/root/dcim/DCIM_NICCapabilities" - r:https://IPADDRESS/wsman -u:username -
p:password -SkipCNcheck -SkipCAcheck - encoding:utf-8 -a:basic -format:pretty