White Papers

169 Lifecycle Controller Integration Best Practices Guide
Completion of all jobs from the JobStatus perspective will suggest that all job execution tasks are done.
However, various LC tasks such as inventory and refresh will still be in progress. The timeouts for these tasks
can be accounted for in the next section.
JobStatus can be obtained as described in section 10.2.3 of the WSIG for Windows. Inventory
After all jobs are executed, SSM will re-inventory the system and signal the iDRAC to re-sync its database.
The total timeout for SSM should include 1 minute to inventory each NIC FQDD on the target system after job
The total timeout for SSM should include 30 seconds to inventory each RAID controller installed on the target
system after job completion. Cleanup
The total timeout for SSM should include 2 minutes to unload and cleanup the UEFI environment prior to reboot. RSStatus or JobStatus
After SSM completes, the system will reboot and proceed with CSIOR, as described in 33.4.7. - In parallel, the
iDRAC will refresh its database based on updated inventory.
The total timeout for RSStatus or JobStatus should include 5 minutes to obtain the inventory data generated and
update the iDRAC database.
Check Status = Reloading and then Status = Ready as described in section 20 of the WSIG for Windows. Check Refreshed Data
Once RSStatus / JobStatus are Ready / Completed respectively, NIC and BIOS need to be re-inventoried to ensure that
all pending data was cleared and the set values were successfully applied.
NIC and BIOS inventory are described in sections 33.3.3 and 33.3.5.
Error to user stating failures if any pending values still persist or if set values weren’t applied as required. CSIOR
On the server side, the following tasks are redone since the machine will reboot and perform CSIOR.
The overall timeout for SSM should include the following timeouts:
- POST as described in section 33.4.3
- CSIOR UEFI Initialization, similar to section 33.4.1
- CSIOR Inventory
- CSIOR Cleanup
33.5 iSCSI Boot Information
In addition to the programmatic steps shown in section 4.16, additional detailed information about the script is added
1. Check FQDD if LOM/NDC or add-in
On 11G
- Embedded = LOM