White Papers

53 Lifecycle Controller Integration Best Practices Guide
4.20 Set NIC Attributes and iSCSI Boot Using Setupjobqueue (11G Only)
This workflow sets several NIC attributes, including setup of iSCSI boot, by first setting the required attributes for the
operation, and then changing the boot order for the NIC. Approximate time for completion on an 11G system is 15-30
minutes depending on the system configuration.
Applies to: LC1.5.0 & LC1.5.1
Prerequisites for script: Set script variables by editing script
Script: setNICs_iSCSI_boot.win
A) The Lifecycle Controller remote service must be in a “ready” state before running any other WSMAN commands.
The GetRSStatus() method or the GetRemoteServicesAPIStatus() method may be used depending on the version of the
LC Management registered profile.
B) ENUMERATE the DCIM_NICView and DCIM_SoftwareIdentity classes to collect information about the system.
See section 2.2 for a definition of ENUMERATE .
C) Enable CSIOR (Collect System Inventory on Restart), if not enabled
a. SetAttribute(): Sets attribute to be configured [ReturnValue=0]
b. CreateConfigJob(): Creates jobID and applies configuration [ReturnValue=4096]
c. Poll jobstatus for Completed: GET the InstanceID of from B). See section 2.3 for a definition of GET.
D) ENUMERATE the DCIM_NICEnumeration, DCIM_NICString, DCIM_NICInteger, and
DCIM_BIOSEnumeration classes to collect information about the system. See section 2.2 for a definition of
E) SetBIOSAttributes(): Set all the following attributes, if at least one is not set to desired value
ProcVirtualization= Enabled
F) CreateBIOSConfigJob(): Apply step E) with reboot type 3 and ScheduledStartTime parameter of TIME_NOW,
which invokes the operation immediately [ReturnValue=4096]
G) Poll jobstatus for Completed: GET the InstanceID of from F). See section 2.3 for a
definition of GET.
Note: The following status polling for SSIB task
F) The Lifecycle Controller remote service must be in a “ready” state before running any other WSMAN commands.
The GetRSStatus() method or the GetRemoteServicesAPIStatus() method may be used depending on the version of the
LC Management registered profile.