White Papers

54 Lifecycle Controller Integration Best Practices Guide
Note: The following status polling is for subsequent CSIOR
G) The Lifecycle Controller remote service must be in a “ready” state before running any other WSMAN commands.
The GetRSStatus() method or the GetRemoteServicesAPIStatus() method may be used depending on the version of the
LC Management registered profile.
H) ENUMERATE the DCIM_BootSourceSetting class to collect information about the system. See section 2.2 for a
definition of ENUMERATE .
I) ChangeBootSourceState(): Loop through boot sources and set their enabled state to zero, except for NIC
J) ChangeBootOrderByInstanceID(): Set the boot order of the NIC to first (CurrentAssignedSequence = 0)
K) SetAttribute(): Set BIOS attributes EmbNic1 to EnablediScsi [ReturnValue=0]
L) CreateBIOSConfigJob(): Apply steps J) L) without reboot, without UntilTime, and without ScheduledStartTime
parameter TIME_NOW. [ReturnValue=4096]
M) SetAttribute(): Set various NIC attributes
N) CreateNICConfigJob(): Apply steps N) without reboot, without UntilTime, and without ScheduledStartTime
parameter TIME_NOW. [ReturnValue=4096]
O) CreateRebootJob(): Pass RebootJobType of 3 parameter
1 = PowerCycle
2 = Graceful reboot without forced shutdown
3 = Graceful reboot with forced shutdown
P) SetupJobQueue(): Use BIOS JID(L), NIC JID(N), and reboot RID(O) [ReturnValue=0]
Q) Poll jobstatus for Completed: GET the InstanceID of from M). See section 2.3 for a definition of GET.
R) Poll jobstatus for Completed: GET the InstanceID of from O). See section 2.3 for a definition of GET.
S) The Lifecycle Controller remote service must be in a “ready” state before running any other WSMAN commands.
The GetRSStatus() method or the GetRemoteServicesAPIStatus() method may be used depending on the version of the
LC Management registered profile.
4.21 iSCSI Boot Using NDC/Broadcom (12th Generation and Later Version of
Servers Only)
This workflow sets several NIC attributes, including setup of iSCSI boot, by first setting the required attributes for the
operation, and then changing the boot order for the NIC. Additional detail is provided as setting up iSCSI boot is
complex. Approximate time for completion on a 12G system is 15-30 minutes depending on the system configuration.