White Papers

57 Lifecycle Controller Integration Best Practices Guide
Loop through all boot sources, if boot source is IPL entry, set EnabledState=0 unless HD
E) ChangeBootSourceState(): Use InstanceID=IPL EnabledState=0 source=(instanceID from D)
F) GetBootSourceSettings(): ENUMERATE the DCIM_BootSourceSetting class to collect information about the boot
sources. See section 2.2 for a definition of ENUMERATE .
Enable the HD boot source
G) ChangeBootSourceState(): Use InstanceID=IPL EnabledState=1 source=(instanceID from F)
H) GetBootSourceSettings(): ENUMERATE the DCIM_BootSourceSetting class to collect information about the boot
sources. See section 2.2 for a definition of ENUMERATE .
Change NIC boot source
I) GetBootSourceSettings(): ENUMERATE the DCIM_BootSourceSetting class to collect information about the boot
sources. See section 2.2 for a definition of ENUMERATE .
Check NIC boot order
J) ChangeBootOrderByInstanceID(): Use InstanceID=IPL source=(instanceID from I)
SetNICAttributes(): Set the attribute LegacyBootProto to the value iSCSIand the other desired NIC attributes
and values
K) CreateBIOSConfigJob(): Use Target=(BIOS FQDD)
ScheduledStartTime=TIME_NOW RebootJobType=1
L) Poll jobstatus for Completed: GET the InstanceID of from F). See section 2.3 for a definition of GET.
1) QLogic will not show up in the boot list until it connects to an iSCSI target. So if iSCSI is misconfigured, or the
network is down, it does not show up.
2) RAID and SATA HDs cannot be disabled in the boot list. Either disable the controller, but then they are not
available as secondary disks, or move them down in the HD boot list.
3) It is recommended to disable the entire HD list from the boot order until iSCSI is on the top, to prevent it from
booting into another HD
4.23 iSCSI Boot Using Intel (12th Generation and Later Version of Servers
This workflow sets several NIC attributes, including setup of iSCSI boot, by first setting the required attributes for the
operation, and then changing the boot order for the NIC. Additional detail is provided as setting up iSCSI boot is
complex. Approximate time for completion on a 12G system is 15-30 minutes depending on the system configuration.
Note: Additional details of the coding steps shown below, generational differences, and other iSCSI information can be
found in Appendix: iSCSI Boot information.
Applies to: LC2+