White Papers

64 Lifecycle Controller Integration Best Practices Guide
ScheduledStartTime=TIME_NOW RebootJobType=1
Poll jobstatus for Completed: GET the InstanceID of from 2).
C) CheckConnectFirstFCoETarge(): ENUMERATE the NIC FADD and check if ConnectFirstFCoETarget is eabled, if
not, enable ConnectFirstFCoETarget as show below
AttributeName=LegacyBootProto AttributeValue=FCoE
AttributeName=ConnectFirstFCoETarget AttributeValue=Enabled
Disable all sources
Create BIOS job
AttributeName=ConnectFirstFCoETarget AttributeValue=Enabled
CreateNICConfigJob with RebootJobType=1
D) Configure FCoE
1. Disable all sources
Create BIOS job
Set Attributes (VLAN etc) as follows
SetNICAttributes() on NIC.Mezzanine.2B-1 AttributeName=FCoEOffloadMode AttributeValue=Enabled
AttributeName=VirtFIPMacAddr AttributeValue=$VirtFIPMacAddr AttributeName=VirtWWN
AttributeValue=$VirtWWN AttributeName=VirtWWPN AttributeValue=$VirtWWPN AttributeName=MinBandwidth
AttributeName=MaxBandwidth AttributeValue=$MaxBandwidth
Set Attributes (target)as follows
SetNICAttributes() on NIC.Mezzanine.2B-1
AttributeName=FirstFCoEWWPNTarget AttributeValue=$FirstFCoEWWPNTarget
AttributeName=FirstFCoEBootTargetLUN AttributeValue=$FirstFCoEBootTargetLUN
CreateNICConfigJob() with RebootJobType=1
E) GetBootSourceSettings(): ENUMERATE the DCIM_BootSourceSetting class to collect information about the boot
sources. See section 2.2 for a definition of ENUMERATE .
Loop through all boot sources, if boot source is IPL entry, set EnabledState=0 unless HD.
F) ChangeBootSourceState(): Use InstanceID=IPL EnabledState=0 source=(instanceID from D)
G) GetBootSourceSettings(): ENUMERATE the DCIM_BootSourceSetting class to collect information about the boot
sources. See section 2.2 for a definition of ENUMERATE.
H) Enable the HD boot source
I) ChangeBootSourceState(): Use InstanceID=IPL EnabledState=1 source=(instanceID from F)