White Papers

88 Lifecycle Controller Integration Best Practices Guide
B) GetiDRACCardAttributes(): ENUMERATE the DCIM_iDRACCardAttribute class to view all available attributes.
See section 2.2 for a definition of ENUMERATE .
C) Confirm the IsReadOnly field is set to false
D) ApplyAttributes(): Invoke method to apply attribute(s)
E) GetiDRACCardAttributes(): ENUMERATE the DCIM_iDRACCardAttribute class to view all available attributes
and confirm the changes were successful. See section 2.2 for a definition of ENUMERATE .
9.6 Schedule a Set iDRAC Card Attribute(s) Operation
Use the following procedure to set a iDRAC attribute(s) using the SetAttributes and CreateTargetConfigJob methods.
This example sets the attribute immediately using the TIME_NOW parameter, however the job can be scheduled for
execution at a later time.
Applies to: LC2.0+
Prerequisites for script: Set desired values by editing script
Script: SetiDRACCardAttribute.win
A) The Lifecycle Controller remote service must be in a “ready” state before running any other WSMAN commands.
B) GetiDRACCardAttributes(): ENUMERATE the DCIM_iDRACCardAttribute class to view all available attributes.
See section 2.2 for a definition of ENUMERATE.
C) Confirm the IsReadOnly field is set to false for desired instances
D) SetAttributes(): Invoke method [ReturnValue = 0]
E) CreateiDRACConfigJob(): Apply pending values using TIME_NOW paramter
F) GetiDRACCardAttributes(): ENUMERATE the DCIM_iDRACCardAttribute class to view all available attributes
and confirm the changes were successful. See section 2.2 for a definition of ENUMERATE .