White Papers

Note: Ensure that the selected file share is set up first and can be accessed without any issues.
2.7.1 Get (export) server configuration profiles by using RACADM commands
An example is given here to describe the process of exporting server configuration profiles to an NFS share
by using RACADM commands in an SSH session. The export job is queried until the job is completed.
These commands can also be run on a remote system by preceding racadm r <IPAddress> -u
<UserName> p <Password> in the commands highlighted here.
Note: For more details on get (export) SCP file, run “racadm help get.” This response gives more details on
supported network shares and examples.
1. Get the Server Configuration Profile.
racadm>>get -f system_config.xml -t xml -l
racadm get -f system_config.xml -t xml -l
RAC976: Export configuration XML file operation initiated.
Use the "racadm jobqueue view -i JID_307853717675" command to view the status of
the operation.
Note: JSON is supported in iDRAC9 firmware version and later by specifying “-t json.”
2. View the job queue.
racadm>>jobqueue view -i JID_307853717675
racadm jobqueue view -i JID_307853717675
---------------------------- JOB -------------------------
[Job ID=JID_307853717675]
Job Name=Export: System configuration XML file
Start Time=[Not Applicable]
Expiration Time=[Not Applicable]
Message=[SYS043: Successfully exported system configuration XML file.]
Percent Complete=[100]
2.7.2 Get (export) server configuration profiles by using Redfish commands
An example is given here to describe the process of exporting server configuration profiles to an HTTP share
by using Redfish POST OEM action “EID_674_Manager.ExportSystemConfiguration.” The export job ID URI
location is returned in the JSON response headers, run GET on that URI to check the job status.
1. To run SCP export (JSON format is used in this example), run POST command using requirements
below. For success pass, you should see a status code of 202.