White Papers

Power Supply Profile
system1 : ComputerSystem
pwrsupply1 : PowerSupply
TotalPowerOutput : 4000
ElementName : Power Supply 1
EnabledState : 2 (Enabled)
OperationalStatus[]: { 2 (OK) }
HealthState: 10 (Degraded/Warning)
pkg1 : PhysicalPackage
Tag : ABCDE12345
PackageType : Power Supply
PoweredOn : TRUE
ElementName : Power Supply 1
Manufacturer : HW Co.
Model : 1234PS
VendorEquipmentType : Power
profile1 : RegisteredProfile
RegisteredName : Base Server Profile
RegisteredVersion : 1.0
profile2 : RegisteredProfile
RegisteredName : Power Supply Profile
RegisteredVersion : 1.0
capabilities1 :
RequestedStatesSupported[] : { 2
(Enabled), 3 (Disabled)}
Figure 2 – Power Supply Profile: Object Diagram
Figure 3 represents a possible instantiation of the Power Supply Profile with redundancy. system1 has
spare power supply redundancy. Because pwrsupply1 is associated with redundancyset1 through the
CIM_IsSpare association, and the value of the pwrsupply1’s EnabledState property is 6 (Enabled but
Offline), the pwrsupply1 is a Spare Power Supply that is enabled, but is not actively providing power to
system1. pwrsupply2 is the active power supply of system1, because the value of its EnabledState
property is 2 (Enabled) and pwrsupply2 is associated with redundancyset1 only through the
CIM_MemberOfCollection association.
If redundancyset1 supports the Failover(
) method, a client can execute the Failover( ) method with the
FailoverFrom parameter referencing pwrsupply2, and the FailoverTo parameter referencing pwrsupply1.
When the Failover(
) method executes successfully, pwrsupply1 will be the active power supply for
system1 with an EnabledState property value of 2 (Enabled) and will not be associated with
redundancyset1 through the CIM_IsSpare association. Additionally, pwrsupply2 will not have an
EnabledState property value of 2 (Enabled), and will be associated to redundancyset1 through the
CIM_IsSpare association. Because pwrsupply1 and pwrsupply2 do not have the CIM_SuppliesPower
association reference, both are supplying power to system1, which is denoted by the CIM_SystemDevice
24 Version 1.0.0a