Reference Guide

8 No Restrictions | iDRAC Access via Host Operating System
The firewall rule indicates the port number used during the installation time or user modified port number
using the iDRAC Service Module provided interfaces.
To access the iDRAC GUI, use the following format in the browser:
https://<host-name or OS-
Host-name is the complete host-name of the server host OS where iDRAC Service Module is installed and
configured for iDRAC access via OS. In the absence of hostname, the OS IP address can be used.
1266 is the host OS port number for accessing the iDRAC through host OS. iDRAC Service Module
configures this port, such that all incoming connections is redirected to iDRAC https port (default port is
443). The iDRAC https port number can be modified by the administrator using any of the iDRAC supported
interfaces such as racadm, GUI, WSMAN, and so on. iDRAC Service Module is resilient for this change and
reconfigures the iDRAC access rules seamlessly without any user intervention.
Remote Wsman: winrm e
schema/2/root/dcim/DCIM_CPUView -u:<username> -p:<passwd> -r:https://<Host-Name or
IP>:<PortNumber>/wsman -a:basic -encoding:utf-8 -skipCACheck skipCNCheck
Remote racadm: racadm -r <Host Name or IP>:<port#> -u <username> -p <passwd> getsysinfo
iDRAC Service Module provides interfaces to configure this feature runtime.
1. Microsoft Windows PowerShell
PowerShell configuration
If this feature is already configured, it can be disabled or modified using the PowerShell Cmdlet with the
corresponding options. Also from iDRAC Service Module 2.4.0 version, the present status of this feature can
be obtained.
Pre-requisites for cmdlet
1. Microsoft .NET Framework 64-bit 2.0 or later version.
2. PowerShell 1.0 or later.
3. ExecutionPolicy should be AllSigned or Unrestricted.
a. Example: To view the current ExecutionPolicy, PS:\> Get-ExecutionPolicy.
b. To modify: PS:\> Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned or Unrestricted.
The cmdlet: Enable-iDRACAccessHostRoute
NOTE: In Windows Server 2012 and later; an OS provided help for the cmdlet is available which can be
viewed using PS:\> Get-Help Enable-iDRACAccessHostRoute
This displays the list of options available and its usage.