Administrator Guide

Table Of Contents
Create Volume Wizard
Volume Settings
Dene iSCSI Access Points
Access Types
Volume Tags
Sector Size
Table 216. Volume Settings
Field Description Shortcut
Volume settings
Name (Required) Name that uniquely identies the volume.
Name can be up to 63 bytes and is case-insensitive. You can use any printable
Unicode character except for ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , / ; < = > ?@ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~.
First and last characters cannot be a period, hyphen, or colon. Fewer characters are
accepted for this eld if you type the value as a Unicode character string, which
takes up a variable number of bytes, depending on the specic character.
Description (Optional) Descriptive text about the volume’s purpose or other distinguishing
characteristics. Maximum length is 127 bytes.
Fewer characters are accepted for this eld if you type the value as a Unicode
character string, which takes up a variable number of bytes, depending on the
specic character.
Create volume in folder (Optional) You create folders before running the wizard. Folders are for
organizational purposes only. If no folders exist for the group, this option is disabled.
Storage pool assignment If the group has multiple storage pools, select the storage pool that you want to
create the volume in. Unless otherwise specied, the default storage pool is used.
Table 217. Space
Field Description Shortcut
Volume space
Volume size Numeric value that species the size of the new volume. Select appropriate units
(MB, GB, or TB) from the list.
The minimum volume size is 1MB. The maximum volume size is given, based on the
physical capacity of your storage pool.
Thin provisioned volume Enables thin provisioning on the volume.
Thin provisioning allocates space based on how much space is actually used, but
gives the impression that the entire volume size is available. For example, a 100GB
volume can be thin provisioned so that only 20GB is physically allocated; the
remaining 80GB becomes unreserved space still available to the storage pool.
Additional space can be allocated to the volume as necessary.
Snapshot space
Snapshot reserve Species how much additional space should be reserved to store snapshots of this
volume. The default setting is 100% of the maximum volume size.
Reference: GUI Panels, Wizards, and Dialog Boxes