Users Guide

Table 36. ASM/ME CLI Subcommands
Subcommand Function
-alert Display a list of alerts, or enable and disable specific alerts.
-breaksmartcopy VSS automatically sets volume attribute values when a Smart Copy is created, and
automatically reverts these changes for a mount or restore operation.
This command allows you to undo these changes on demand.
cloneReplica Create a clone of a replica.
configureASM Set one or more ASM properties.
configureCHAP Specify the CHAP user name and secret for a group.
createCollection Create new collections of volumes or components.
-delete Delete Smart Copies
deleteCollection Delete existing collections of volumes or components.
enumerateiSCSIPortals Enumerate or list all the target iSCSI portals found on the system.
enumerateSmartCopies Enumerate or list all the Smart Copies usable for the restore commands supported for a
specified Smart Copy source object.
help List all of the commands in ASMCLI, including the parameters and options that can be
specified for each one. Typing asmcli ? will also retrieve the same information.
list List supported components, volumes, and collections.
modifyCollection Modify existing collections of volumes or components.
mount Mount Smart Copies.
properties Specify the properties subcommand to list the properties of an existing Smart Copy backup
document. You can specify the backup document by using the –document=, –volume=,
component=, or collection= parameters.
restore Restore volumes in place from an existing backup document.
selectiveRestore Restore one or more selected components from a backup document. This operation is
supported for SQL Server databases and HyperV virtual machines.
shutdownsystray Close all verification failure notifications currently showing in the Windows taskbar notification
shutdownverifier Safely shut down the current Global Verification Task. This subcommand accepts the
timeout= nnn parameter, which specifies the time before a shutdown.
smart Create Smart Copies of supported components on PS Series groups.
unmount Unmount Smart Copies.
verify Run Checksum Verification or Soft Recovery (or both) for an existing Exchange
Smart Copy backup document. You must also specify recovery, checksum, or both
version Displays the ASM/ME version that you are running, as well as the build date.
Command Parameters
The following command options are used with the ASM/ME subcommands.
Used with: delete subcommand
Specify the -all parameter to delete all Smart Copies for the specified target (collection, volume, or component). This option will
have no effect if the -document or objectid parameter is specified.
Using the Command Line Interface