Users Guide

Setting this parameter to yes specifies that the operation will not fail even if a database, VM, or Exchange store associated with a
volume in the collection cannot be found. For example, assume a collection that contains a volume named vol1, associated with an SQL
database called DB1. If you delete DB1 and then create a Smart Copy of the collection, the operation will succeed even though DB1 is
no longer associated with vol1.
Used with: list subcommand
Specify the volumes parameter to display all supported volumes. If you do not specify the volumes parameter, the
collections parameter, or the components= parameter, the command parser assumes a value of volumes as the default.
Used with: configureCHAP subcommand
Indicates that the credentials apply to management access.
Used with: smart, mount, unmount, restore, properties, delete, selectiveRestore, enumerateSmartCopies, and
breakSmartCopy subcommands.
Applies to SharePoint farms only.
Specify -writer to restrict the operation to a particular SharePoint VSS writer on a host (writer host).
Used with: list subcommand.
Specify -writers to display a list of SharePoint writers on the local host.
ASMCLI Commands and Their Syntax
The following section lists the ASMCLI commands. Examples shown in the following sections contain line breaks where long strings wrap.
CAUTION: Do not insert line breaks in actual commands.
ASMCLI -alert
Email alerts can be controlled using the ASMCLI alert command. Enabling or disabling alerts through ASMCLI will automatically set the
corresponding alerts in the GUI, and enabling or disabling alerts in the GUI will update the alert status when you view alerts through
See Alert Settings for a list of available alerts.
You will not receive email alerts until you configure email settings. To configure email settings using ASMCLI, use the configureASM
command. To configure email settings using the GUI, click ViewSettings, and then click the Notifications tab.
The delete, restore, mount, unmount, and selectiverestore commands have the -noemail parameter set by default. If
alerts are enabled and you execute any of these commands using ASMCLI, you will not get an email notification when the operation
completes unless you specify the -email parameter when you execute the command.
Similarly, the smart and verify commands have the -email parameter set by default. If alerts are enabled and you execute either of
these commands, you will automatically get an email notification when the operation completes. If you do not want to receive one, you
must specify the -noemail parameter when you execute the command.
If you specify the -email parameter and still do not receive an email notification, make sure that the associated alert is enabled.
Command Syntax
ASMCLI -alert
The value of alert_ID is the numerical value assigned to each alert.
Using the Command Line Interface