Setup Guide

PS Series 3000 QuickStart Step 1. Set Up the Array Hardware
Control Module LED Descriptions
Control Module LEDs Color Description
ACT Off No power, secondary control module is not
synchronized with active control module,
or error condition.
Green Active control module (serving network I/O).
Orange Secondary control module; cache is
synchronized with active control module.
ERR Off No power or no error condition.
Red Array is starting up or error condition.
PWR Off No power.
Green Power.
Network Interface LED Descriptions
Network Interface LEDs Color Description
Left Off
No power or not connected to network.
Green Connected to network.
Right Off No power or not transmitting.
Green Transmitting.
Power Supply/Cooling Module LED Descriptions
Power Supply/Cooling
Module LED
Color Description
_ _ _
Off No power or normal condition
Orange DC power failure
Off No power or normal condition
Orange Fan failure
Off No power or normal condition
Orange AC power failure
Off No power
Green Normal array operation