Administrator Guide

Table Of Contents
When the last volume is removed from a folder, the folder is not deleted.
Volume administrators can view all of the volumes in a folder, provided that the volumes were not created by other volume
Create a Volume Folder
1. Click the Volumes tab.
2. In the Activities panel, click Create volume folder to open the dialog box.
3. In the dialog box, type a name for the volume folder in the Name eld.
Name can be up to 63 bytes and is case-insensitive. You can use any printable Unicode character except for ! " # $ % & ' ( ) *
+ , / ; < = > ?@ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~. First and last characters cannot be a period, hyphen, or colon. Fewer characters are
accepted for this eld if you type the value as a Unicode character string, which takes up a variable number of bytes,
depending on the specic character.
4. (Optional) Add a description of the folder in the Description eld.
The description can be up to 127 characters. Fewer characters are accepted for this eld if you type the value as a Unicode
character string, which takes up a variable number of bytes, depending on the specic character.
5. Click OK.
The new volume folder is displayed in the tree view below the volumes in the group. (If folders are not being displayed, you can
enable the option from the tree-view menu ( ). Select Group volumesShow volume folders.
Display Volume Folders
1. Click the Volumes tab.
2. Click the tree-view options menu next to the Volumes heading.
3. Select Group volumesShow volume folders.
Volume folders are displayed in the tree view below the volumes in the group.
Hide Volume Folders
1. Click the Volumes tab.
2. Click the tree-view options menu next to the Volumes heading.
3. Select Group volumes and then clear Show volume folders.
Volume folders are not displayed in the tree view below the volumes in the group.
Rename Volume Folders
1. Click the Volumes tab.
2. Expand Volumes and then select the folder that you want to rename.
If volume folders are not being displayed, you can enable the option from the tree-view menu ( ). Select Group volumes
Show volume folders.
3. In the Activities panel, click Rename folder to open the dialog box.
4. Change the name of the folder in the Name eld.
Name can be up to 63 bytes and is case-insensitive. You can use any printable Unicode character except for ! " # $ % & ' ( ) *
+ , / ; < = > ?@ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~. First and last characters cannot be a period, hyphen, or colon. Fewer characters are
accepted for this eld if you type the value as a Unicode character string, which takes up a variable number of bytes,
depending on the specic character.
5. (Optional) You can also change the description of the folder in the Description eld.
The description can be up to 127 characters. Fewer characters are accepted for this eld if you type the value as a Unicode
character string, which takes up a variable number of bytes, depending on the specic character.
6. Click OK. The folder displays its new name.
About Volumes