Reference Guide

2. (Group Manager) A volume that has snapshots. Snapshots depend on the base volume; if the base
volume is destroyed, the snapshots are removed.
cloning The process of creating a new copy of an object such as a volume. The new object is the same type and has
the same contents as the original. Contrast with thin clone.
control module (Hardware) The processor and interface component in a PS Series array. A control module contains the PS
Series rmware in ash memory and provides temporary power continuity for data stored in cached
memory. It has multiple network interfaces and an optional serial port. An array can contain two hot-
swappable, dual redundant controllers. The active control module serves I/O, while the secondary control
module mirrors data in its cache.
control tunnel An iSCSI session that connects two replication partners and is used to pass control messages between
them. No volume data passes through this tunnel. See also Generic Replication Protocol (GRP).
A method for performing volume replication between the PS Series and Storage Center series device
families. This feature preserves the functional and operational models embodied in the current replication
implementation for each family.
delegated space
(Group Manager) Space on a group that is set aside to store received replicas for a partner.
Dell Fluid File System
(Dell FluidFS)
(Network-attached storage) FluidFS, a high-performance, scalable le system that is congured on storage
Dell Storage Update
Manager (DSUM)
An application that updates your current Dell EqualLogic storage conguration (PS Series array and disk
drive rmware, FS Series controller rmware).
Generic Replication
Protocol (GRP)
A control message protocol, proprietary to Dell Storage, that is designed to provide a common language for
facilitating volume replication between similar or dierent storage systems. The protocol can be run over a
variety of transport layers.
group See PS Series group.
group administrator An account on a PS Series group that has permission to manage all features and objects in a PS Series
group, including conguring replication partners. The default group administrator account is grpadmin.
Compare to pool administrator.
group IP address The network address that iSCSI initiators use to discover iSCSI targets and administrators use to access the
group. See also management IP address.
Group Manager A SAN and NAS management tool integrated with Dell EqualLogic PS Series rmware. Providing a
comprehensive single point of management, Group Manager enables administrators to remotely manage all
aspects of their EqualLogic iSCSI-based SAN or NAS.
group member See member.
group name A unique identier assigned to a group.
Glossary Denitions