Users Guide

Smart Copy (continued)
create (continued)
run Checksum Verification 62
run Soft Recovery 62
use a script 123
create a schedule 46
create during thin-provisioning
create online 20
CSV 84
CSV Collection 84
CSV-enabled cluster 83
data restore 54, 56
delete 53
delete all Smart Copies 53
delete Smart Copy 53
Exchange options 66
Exchange overview 60
point-in-time Smart Copy 79
schedules 82
outside a HIT Group 54
target computer prerequisites 53
import external Smart Copy 54
import within a HIT Group 54
Linux guest operating system 81
log off 57
log off option
constraints 57
logoff 31
prerequisites 55
snapshot 55
mount a replica 56
Mount Clone option 50
mounted volume
set read-write 31
unmount and logoff 31
object collection 10
operation constraints
template volume 50
thin clone 50
properties for volumes 51
Exchange data 69
recovery considerations 61
promote and verify 67
restore options 76
requirements 49
restore options
log off recently mounted Smart Copy 76
restrictions when thin-provisioning 43
SAN Boot Volumes 50
schedule for Exchange components 68
thin clone 46
SharePoint 92
restore options 75
create and schedule 74
SQL Server
mount 76
restore options 74
Smart Copy (continued)
thin clone 48
torn 48, 61
torn data set 49
recoverable Smart Copies 52
clone 10
replica 10
snapshot 10
unmount 31, 57
unmount in a cluster environment
prerequisites 57
unmount option
constraints 57
validate 53
VDS group service access 17
view backup documents 31, 53
view details 52
VSS group service access 17
Smart Copy properties
-Application= 116
-ApplicationConsistent 117
-backupType= 116
-ChecksumVerification= 116
-document= 116
-MountPoints= 116
-OriginalVolumes= 116
-ReplicationStatus 116
-SmartCopyStatus= 116
-Snapshotcount= 116
-snapshottype= 116
-SoftRecovery= 116
creationtimestamp= 116
Smart Copy Set
clone and restore as new 73
PS Group access 25
SMP access
Windows Server 2012 26
reserved space 15
Snapshot Smart Copy 34
soft recovery
Exchange 61
immediate 61
on a remote host 64
Soft Recovery
logging and notification 66
remote host in a HIT Group 64
run after creating a Smart Copy 62
schedule a Global Verification task 62
view status 65
spanning volumes 49
Smart Copy
create and schedule 74
SQL Server
clone and restore 76
apply logs 76
fully recover 76
recover as new 77
restore 76