Users Guide

Clone and Restore As New
The Clone and Restore as New operation is available for replicas. It is the same as the Restore As New option, except that the
operation begins by cloning the replica in to avoid interfering with the replication process. The clone is then mounted and a new VM is
created from the .vhd file on the mounted clone.
Like the Restore as New option, this operation creates a new VM that will be local and non-clustered, so no restrictions apply. The VM
is created locally on the current node, and has the default VM settings and a user-specified amount of RAM that uses the original
VM’s .vhd files. To start the VM, you must verify that enough resources are available for it. You cannot adjust other virtual hardware
through ASM/ME. Clone and Restore as New currently supports up to four .vhd files during a restore.
Using ASM/ME with Hyper-V 85