Users Guide

SharePoint Smart Copies
You can create Smart Copies of the following SharePoint components:
An entire SharePoint farm
A set of all content databases
Individual databases
Search Service Application (SSA)—SharePoint 2013 and 2016
NOTE: Limit the number of databases in a Smart Copy collection to 34 or fewer. If you have more than 34 databases,
spread them among multiple hosts in the farm.
For more information, see the following article:
When you create a Smart Copy of a SharePoint component, it appears under the Smart Copies node in the tree panel. Assuming that all
farm hosts within the HIT Group have been properly set up to use one shared backup document directory, newly created Smart Copies
appear under the Smart Copies node for every host in the HIT Group. When you expand the Smart Copies node, the SharePoint Smart
Copies are grouped under the SharePoint Services Writer.
When you select a particular Smart Copy, its properties are displayed. You can right-click on the Smart Copy to view available actions for
When you create a Smart Copy of the farm, an individual database, or an SSA Office Search and SharePoint Search environment, they are
paused before ASM/ME takes the Smart Copy. This pause ensures consistency between the search databases and search indices. Any
content source crawls that are running are paused. After ASM/ME takes the Smart Copy, the Office Search and SharePoint Search
environment is resumed, and any content source crawls that were paused resume.
NOTE: If any component of the SharePoint farm is unavailable or unreachable (for example, if a host is down), ASM/ME
creates a Smart Copy but warns you about the offline components in the wizard, log files, and the summary dialog box.
Create a Smart Copy of an Entire SharePoint Farm
1. Navigate to the HIT Group host on which the SharePoint VSS writer is running.
2. Expand the Applications node.
3. Right-click the SharePoint Farm node and select Create Farm Smart Copy.
The Create Smart Copy Wizard opens.
4. In the Select Smart Copy Type dialog box:
Select a snapshot, clone, or replica, depending on what type of Smart Copy you want to create. (If you create a clone, select the
Mount Clone option to automatically mount the clone after it is created. On the next screen, you can choose which volumes to
mount, and either use the mount folder or specify a drive letter for each volume.
The default mount folder is C:\ProgramData\EqualLogic\Mounts, but you can browse to a different folder).
Select the backup type: copy or full.
(Optional) Provide text describing the Smart Copy Set. This information will appear in the backup document.
5. Click Next.
The Summary screen opens.
6. Verify the settings. If the information is correct, click Create.
ASM/ME lists each phase of Smart Copy creation.
7. Click Close.
The Smart Copy appears under the Smart Copies node in the tree panel. You can select it to display its details or right-click on it to
view available actions.
Because a Smart Copy of an entire farm might include components from multiple hosts, this type of Smart
Copy is further organized under a SharePoint farm node, which is then organized by host name. For example, you
can create a Smart Copy of a farm that contains content databases from SQL Server A and SQL Server B.
In the tree panel, navigate to the farm Smart Copy as follows: Smart Copy node → SharePoint 2013 farm node → SQL
Server A node (or SQL Server B node).
92 Using ASM/ME with SharePoint