Administrator Guide

Table Of Contents
3. To remove a node from cluster A, remove the node’s access policy from the group policy. This disassociation instantly removes
the node from the group.
Study 6: Determine each volume a host/cluster can access
Scenario: The group administrator needs to determine which volumes a host can access.
1. Click GroupGroup Conguration.
2. Click the Access Policies tab.
3. In the Access Policies panel, select either the policy group or the access policy that is assigned to the host or cluster.
4. Refer to the Targets panel to view the volumes that are associated with the selected policy.
Create a New Access Policy
Access policies associate one or more endpoints to any number of available volumes. The access policy is created independently of
any specic volume association and then associated with the selected volumes as a separate operation.
1. Click GroupGroup Conguration.
2. In the Group Conguration panel, click the Access Policies tab to view the Access Policies panel.
3. In the Access policies subpanel, click New.
4. In the New Access Policy dialog box, specify a name for the new access policy and (optionally) a description.
NOTE: Policy names can be up to 31 characters long. Space and underscores are not permitted. Fewer characters
are accepted for this eld if you type the value as a Unicode character string, which takes up a variable number of
bytes, depending on the specic character.
5. In the New Access Policy window, click New.
6. In the New Extended Access Point dialog box, dene an access point by specifying your host’s authorization information. This
information can be a CHAP account name, an iSCSI initiator name, an IP address, or any combination of these parameters.
To specify a new IP address, click Add next to the IP Addresses list. When the text cursor appears in the box, type the IP
To modify an existing IP address, double-click it or select the line and click Modify.
To delete an IP address from the list, select it from the list and click Delete.
You can specify up to 16 unique IP addresses within a single access point.
Asterisk characters can be used within an IP address to indicate that any value is accepted in an octet (for
example: 12.16.*.*).
7. Click OK to save the access point, which now appears in the Extended Access Points list.
To add another access point to this policy, click Add and repeat the previous step. You can associate up to 16 access points
with an access policy.
To modify the currently selected access point, click Modify.
To remove the currently selected access point, click Delete.
8. Click OK to save the new policy, which now appears in the Access Policies list.
Create a New Basic Access Point
Basic access points connect a specic endpoint to a specic volume. Unlike access control policies and access policy groups, basic
access points are always created in reference to a specic volume; the basic access point cannot be shared or reassigned to other
volumes. When a volume is deleted, all the basic access points associated with it are also deleted.
1. Click Volumes.
2. Expand Volumes and then select the volume name on which you want to assign the access point.
About Volume-Level Security