Users Guide

Table Of Contents
The BackupDocumentLocation parameter allows you to specify the backup document directory. This directory is especially
important for cluster installations, for which a network share must be specified. For information about backup document
directories and cluster configurations, see the Dell EqualLogic Auto-Snapshot Manager/Microsoft Edition Users Guide.
When specifying host names, you can specify the hosts IP address, host name, fully qualified domain name, or IPv6 address.
Specify an IPV6 address as follows:
1. Change all the : characters to - characters.
2. If the address has a % character, change it to s.
3. Add to the end.
For example, an address of fe80::2c02:db79%8 must be specified as
The following table lists the install options that you can specify when running the PowerShell script.
Table 3. Install Options
Option Description
ALL Installs all options listed in this table
RSW Remote Setup Wizard
VSS Volume Shadow Copy Service Provider
ASMCLI ASM/ME Command Line Interface
ASM Auto-Snapshot Manager
VDS Virtual Disk Service Provider
MPIO Multipath I/O DSM (might require system reboot)
PS PowerShell Tools
HPC HPC iSCSI Provider (valid only on 64-bit servers)
TRIM Volume rethinning driver (system reboot required)
SMP Storage Management Provider for Windows 2012 R2 or later
To run the script for the first time:
1. Open a PowerShell window.
2. Navigate to the directory specified when the Host Integration Tools were installed on the local host. (The default installation
directory is C:\Program Files\EqualLogic\bin).
3. Type set-executionpolicy remotesigned.
4. Type Y to confirm the change.
Procedure for Installing HIT on Remote Hosts With PowerShell
1. Open a PowerShell window.
2. Navigate to Program Files\EqualLogic\bin or the directory specified when the Host Integration Tools were installed
on the local host.
3. At the command prompt, type the following command to install ASM/ME on the remote host:
.\HitRemoteInstall.ps1 -ComputerNames ipaddress -InstallerLocation"C:\Program Files
\EqualLogic\bin" -BackupDocumentLocation "\\server\share\subdirectory1" -InstallOptions
ASM -Username myUsername -Password myPassword
Replace ipaddress, myUsername and myPassword with the remote hosts IP address and your own
You can specify any of the install options listed in Install Options on page 18. You can also specify multiple hosts. Instead of
listing the IP address to specify the remote host, you can also specify the host name, domain name, or IPv6 address.