Users Guide

Group name: eqlgroup2
IP address: 192.x.x.xy
User names: j_smith
Group name: eqlgroup8
IP address: 192.x.x.zz
User names: John_Smith
3 Groups defined.
Example 2: Listing Group Access Records for a Specific Group
To list group access information for the group eqlgroup1, specify a group name:
# asmcli list group-access --name eqlgroup1
Group name: eqlgroup1
IP address: 192.x.x.xx
User names: j_smith
Updating Access to a Group
Use the asmcli update group-access command to modify a group access file and its contents.
asmcli update group-access Command Syntax
The command syntax is as follows:
# asmcli update group-access
--name group-name | -n
[--file file-location | -f]
[--ip-address IP-address | -i]
[--management-ip mng-IP-address | -I]
[--new-name new-name | G]
[--password password | -p]
[--user-name user-name | -u]
The following table describes the required and optional command parameters.
Table 19. Update Group-Access Command Options
Parameter Abbr. Argument Description
Required Parameter
--name -n group-name Specifies the name of the PS Series group.
Optional Parameters
--file -f file-location Specifies the location of the nondefault group access file.
Omit this parameter to use the default group.
--ip-address -i IP-address Specifies the permanent IP address of the PS Series
--management-ip -I mng-IP-address Specifies the management IP address for the PS Series
--new-name -G new-name Specifies the new name for the PS Series Group.
--no-password none none Specifies not to store a password or this user. If you use
this option, you are prompted to enter a password each
time an ASMCLI command is run (for example, create
smart-copy) and it will not be possible to run a
scheduled operation.
--password -p password Specifies the password to be encrypted and stored.
Auto-Snapshot Manager Command Line Interface 61