Users Guide

Example 1: Listing All Smart Copies
The list smart-copy command with no qualifiers lists all Smart Copies. For each Smart Copy, the output identifies the location, the
type, the name, the date created, and the status (for example, mounted). The following example shows four Smart Copies, one of which
contains multiple mount points.
# asmcli list smart-copy
Smart Copies
Source: : /source/VolA
Snapshot: 14-Dec-2016 16:51:46.956404
Status: Mounted as /snapshots/VolA
donvola --> donvola-2015-12-14-16:49:30.131.1 on glengrp
Source: : /source/VolA /source/VolB /source/VolC
Snapshot: 05-Jan-2017 14:42:10.794530
donvola --> donvola-2017-01-05-14:39:14.223.1 on glengrp
donvolb --> donvolb-2017-01-05-14:39:14.221.1 on glengr
donvolc --> donvolc-2017-01-05-14:39:14.222.1 on glengrp
Source: : /source/VolB
Snapshot: 05-Jan-2017 16:24:29.074310
Status: Mounted as /snapshots/VolB
donvolb --> donvolb-2017-01-05-16:21:34.215.1 on glengrp
Source: : /source/VolC
Snapshot: 05-Jan-2017 19:16:46.801189
Status: Mounted as /snapshots/VolC
donvolc --> donvolc-2017-01-05-19:13:50.220.1 on glengrp
4 Smart Copies found.
You can display additional detail using the verbose flags. For example:
# asmcli list smart-copy --verbose 2
Smart Copies
Source: : /source/volA
Snapshot: 14-Dec-2016 10:46:44.839798
Status: Mounted as /snapshots/VolA
ObjectId: 5-392e06-8244f99a7-88d5834731b41690
Directory: /var/lib/equallogic/asm/smart-copies/
File: 20111214-154644.839798-5-392e06-8244f99a7-88d5834731b41690.bcd
vola --> vola-2016-12-14-10:46:48.1421.1 on new1-group
Source: : /source/VolB
Snapshot: 05-Jan-2017 16:24:29.074310
Status: Mounted as /snapshots/VolB
ObjectId: c-01e943-574012772-74bc9cfd88221283
Directory: /var/lib/equallogic/asm/smart-copies/
File: 20120104-212429.074310-c-01e943-574012772-74bc9cfd88221283.bcd
volb --> volb-2017-01-05-16:21:34.215.1 on new1-group
2 Smart Copies found.
Example 2: Listing Smart Copy Status
In this example, the --check-status option used with the --type replica and --latest options shows the status of the
newest replica Smart Copy.
# asmcli list smart-copy --type replica --latest --check-status
Logged into PS Series group (group3) as
Auto-Snapshot Manager Command Line Interface