Users Guide

Change the schedule without modifying any scripts or cron tables. When the scheduled operation is included in a script or cron table,
you can use ASMCLI to change the options to the create smart-copy command without making other changes (see Creating a
Smart Copy).
Locate Smart Copies created by a given schedule by specifying the --schedule option with the list smart-copy command
(see Listing Schedules)
Limit the number of Smart Copies kept for a schedule using the --keep option. For example, if you specify --keep 12, then only 12
Smart Copies are saved for that schedule. If 12 Smart Copies exist for that schedule and if the schedule is used to create a new Smart
Copy, then the oldest Smart Copy that is not logged in or mounted is deleted (see Running a Schedule).
Modify an existing schedule by adding or replacing an option (see Updating a Schedule)
Delete a schedule (see Deleting a Schedule)
Creating a Schedule
Use the asmcli create schedule command to create a Smart Copy schedule by providing a name and list of one or more mount
points. For general information about schedules, see About Smart Copy Schedules.
asmcli create schedule Command Syntax
The command syntax is as follows:
# asmcli create schedule
--collection=collection-name | -c
--name=schedule-name | -n
--source=mount-point1 [mount-point2...] | -s
[--comment=comment-string | -c]
[--retry-wait=n | -w]
[--force | -F]
[--freeze-time n]
[--keep=[n] | -K]
[--retry-count=n | -r]
[--type=volume-type | -t]
[--user-name=user-name | -u]
The following table describes the required and optional command parameters.
Table 26. Create Schedule Command Options
Option Abbr. Argument Description
Required Parameters
--collection -c collection-name Specifies the Smart Copy collection name. All Smart Copies,
even a single one, are stored in a collection. Do not use with --
--name -n schedule-name Specifies a Smart Copy schedule name.
--source -s mount-point Specifies a list of one or more mount points to be copied when
creating the Smart Copy. Do not use with --collection.
Optional Parameters
--comment -C comment-string Provides a comment string describing the Smart Copy being
created. The comment is set for the PS Series group and is
stored in the backup document.
--force -F none Creates the Smart Copy even if all mount points cannot be
frozen. When creating a Smart Copy, ASM/LE attempts to
freeze all mount points. This option creates the Smart Copy, but
the Smart Copy might be inconsistent.
--freeze-time none n Specifies the maximum number of seconds to freeze the file
systems when creating a Smart Copy. If this value is exceeded,
Auto-Snapshot Manager Command Line Interface 79