Users Guide

3. Unmount the file system.
asmcli mount smart-copy Command Syntax
The command syntax is as follows:
# asmcli mount smart-copy
--destination directory-name | -d
[--group-access-file file-location | -g]
[--output always | error]
[--read-only | -R]
[--retry-count n | -r]
[--retry-wait n | -w]
[--user-name user-name | -u]
Search option parameters also apply to this command. For information, see ASMCLI Search Options.
The following table describes the required and optional command parameters.
Table 31. Mount Smart Copy Command Options
Parameter Abbr. Argument Description
Required Parameter
--destination -d directory-name Directory where the Smart Copies are temporarily mounted.
Optional Parameters
--group-access-file -g file-location Specifies the location of the group access file that stores user
names and encrypted passwords.
--output none always | error Specifies when to show output. For scheduled operations it is often
useful to suppress output to the console unless the operation fails
(--output error). The default is --output always,
indicating that output is always shown.
--read-only -R none Specifies to mount as read-only the file systems from the Smart
--retry-count -r n Number of times to retry a failed operation.
--retry-wait -w n Number of seconds to wait before retrying a failed operation.
--user-name -u user-name Specifies a particular user identity when multiple user names have
been stored in the group access file.
Example: Mounting a Smart Copy
This example mounts a snapshot Smart Copy by specifying the source location and specific Object ID.
# asmcli mount smart-copy --source /source/VolC --object
3-7f1425-994a453e5-075236f1b70ee888 --destination /mount/VolC
Logging in 1 Smart Copy target.
Logged in donvolc-2017-01-05-14:13:50.220.1 on glengrp
Mounted /mount/VolC/source/VolC
Successfully mounted 1 file system from 1 Smart Copy target.
Unmounting a Smart Copy
Use the asmcli unmount smart-copy command to unmount a Smart Copy. Unmounting automatically logs out of the volume,
unless overridden by the --nologout option.
Auto-Snapshot Manager Command Line Interface