Users Guide

Example: Listing Collections
This example specifies the name daily-user-vols and displays a collection containing three volumes.
# asmcli list collection --name daily-user-vols
Name: daily-user-vols
Mount point: /source/VolA
Mount point: /source/VolB
Mount point: /source/VolC
1 collection found.
Updating a Collection
Use the asmcli update collection command to modify a collection by adding to the collection, deleting from the collection,
providing a new collection name, and providing new mount points.
asmcli update collection Command Syntax
The command syntax is as follows.
# asmcli update collection
--name collection-name | -n
[--add mount-point1 [mount-point2...] | -a]
[--delete mount-point1 [mount-point2...] | -x]
[--new-name new-name | G]
[--user-name user-name | -u]
The following table describes the required and optional command parameters.
Table 37. Update Collection Command Options
Parameter Abbr. Argument Description
Required Parameter
--name -n collection-name Specifies the name of the collection.
Optional Parameters
--add -a mount-point Specifies a list of mount points to add to the collection.
--delete -x mount-point Specifies a list of mount points to remove from the collection.
--new-name -N new-name Specifies a new name for the collection.
--source -s mount-point Specifies the list of mount points for volumes in the collection.
Examples: Updating Collections
This section provides examples of adding a volume to a collection and deleting a volume from a collection.
Example 1: Adding to a Collection
This example adds the volume VolC to the collection daily-user-vols.
#asmcli update collection --name daily-user-vols --add
Successfully updated collection "daily-user-vols".
Auto-Snapshot Manager Command Line Interface