Users Guide

Table Of Contents
When the operation completes, the new mailbox database displays under the Applications node on the target server and you
can perform regular ASM/ME actions on them, such as creating Smart Copy Sets or setting up a Smart Copy Schedule. The
new clone displays under the Smart Copies node.
Prerequisites for Clone and Restore As New
The source and target Exchange Servers must be hosted on machines that are part of the same domain.
The host for the target server must be able to access the PS Series group.
The host for the target server must be able to access the volumes and snapshots containing the Exchange components. For
replica Smart Copies, the host needs access to the partner where the replicas are stored.
For Smart Copies of a collection, the volumes you want to use must not already be mounted.
Note the following restrictions:
You can perform this action only for configurations that comply with Exchange mailbox database portability rules for all
supported Exchange versions.
You cannot perform this operation on a public folders database.
Clone and Restore As New
1. Expand the Smart Copies node.
2. Ensure that any volume you want to use is not already mounted. If it is, unmount it before proceeding.
3. Right-click the Smart Copy Set and select Clone and Restore as New.
The Restore All As New wizard opens. If Checksum Verification was not performed on the Smart Copy Set, you are warned
and given the opportunity to continue anyway. However, Dell recommends that you exit the wizard and perform Checksum
Verification on the Smart Copy Set, as follows:
a. Right-click the Smart Copy
b. Select Verification and Recovery.
If a Soft Recovery was not performed, it is performed on the clone of the imported Smart Copy Set, and not on the
original Smart Copy Set.
4. Assign a drive letter for the new volume, or specify a mount point and click Next.
The Restore As New Mailbox Database dialog box opens.
5. Specify a new mailbox database name and click Restore. The new mailbox database is created on the local Exchange
6. Right-click the Auto-Snapshot Manager icon and click Refresh.
The clone displays under the Smart Copies node, and the new mailbox database displays under the Applications node. You
must manually change the account information for mailboxes in the mailbox database to make it functional on the new
To complete the operation, modify the user account settings with the Set-Mailbox cmdlet so the account points to the
mailbox on the new mailbox server.
Using ASM/ME with Exchange