Users Guide

Unsupported Configurations
The following Hyper-V configurations are not supported by ASM/ME for copy or restore operations:
Direct-attach volumes—Directly attaching iSCSI volumes to the VM are not supported because such targets are not visible to the
ASM/ME installation in the Hyper-V host partition. Therefore, you cannot create application-consistent copies of the applications
running on the VM.
You can create Smart Copies of direct-attached iSCSI volumes only if you install an instance of ASM/ME on the VM. Any Smart
Copies of direct-attached iSCSI volumes are application-consistent, but you cannot take an application-consistent snapshot of the
entire VM and running applications with this configuration.
Passthrough volumes—Passthrough volumes are logged in to by the host partition but mounted only on the VM. The volume is not
seen as an iSCSI target and is not visible as such to ASM/ME or to Hyper-V.
Microsoft recommends this configuration for performance reasons, but it does not enable you to create application-consistent Smart
Copies of the applications running on these volumes.
Hyper-V Specific Operations
Hyper-V virtual machines appear under the Applications node in the tree panel. When using Hyper-V virtual machines, ASM/ME allows
you to perform the following operations:
Create application-consistent and crash-consistent Smart Copies of virtual machines (dependent on O/S type). Note the following
constraints for Hyper-V environments:
Whether the copy operation is application-consistent or crash-consistent depends on the type of operating system and whether
the Integration Services (or Virtual Guest Services) are installed on the guest.
In a standalone Windows Server 2012 or later environment, both full and copy backup types are available. In a Windows Server
2012 or later CSV environment, only the full backup type is available.
Volumes for highly available VMs created through SCVMM do not have user-visible mount points. However, you can create Smart
Copies of these volumes using the same procedure as any other volume.
For more information, see the Host Integration Tools for Microsoft Installation and User’s Guide.
Define collections of virtual machines
Set up schedules for creating Smart Copies of virtual machines
Restore Smart Copies of virtual machines
Restore volumes used by VMs
Smart Copies for Linux Guest Operating Systems
The Smart Copy operation follows this sequence when using a Linux guest operating system:
ASM/ME initiates the Smart Copy operation.
During the Smart Copy operation, the VM is frozen. Any user logged in to the VM temporarily cannot perform I/O operations.
When the Smart Copy operation completes, services on the VM resume automatically.
Avoid Torn Smart Copies
Dell encourages you to place related VM data sets on separate volumes that you create for their exclusive use. ASM/ME always takes a
Smart Copy of a volume. Therefore, if multiple VMs are located on a volume, all VMs are copied and all will be restored in the restore
If VMs are allowed to span multiple volumes, a Smart Copy operation could result in a torn Smart Copy. Torn Smart Copies explains this
Hyper-V Collections
The procedure for operations on collections of virtual machines is the same as the general operations described in General ASM/ME
NOTE: Avoid removing VMs without updating relevant collections.
Using ASM/ME with Hyper-V 81