Owners Manual

PS6610 Hardware Owner's Manual 1 Basic Storage Array Information
Use telnet or SSH to connect to a functioning IP address assigned to a network interface on the
array. Do not connect to the group IP address.
Use the null modem cable, shipped with the array, to connect the serial port on the active
control module (ACT LED is green) to a console or a computer running a terminal emulator.
Make sure the serial line characteristics are as follows:
9600 baud
One STOP bit
No parity
8 data bits
No flow control
2. Log in to an account with read-write access, such as the grpadmin account.
3. Enter the
shutdown command:
login: grpadmin
Welcome to Group Manager
Copyright 2001-2014 Dell Inc.
group1> shutdown
After entering the shutdown command, the system displays information similar to the following output:
Do you really want to shutdown the system? (yes/no)
Halt at Fri Dec 12 09:43:44 EST 2014 -- please wait...
6932:0:logevent:12-Dec-2014 09:4-
3:44.400000:logevent.cc:238:WARNING::25.3.0: User has initiated a clean
halt restart.
Main power usage is 68.5702 watts
sbs_ship_mode: Ship Mode request sent to battery
Waiting for Ship Mode entry: 5 sec
Waiting for Ship Mode entry: 10 sec
Waiting for Ship Mode entry: 15 sec
Waiting for Ship Mode entry: 20 sec
Waiting for Ship Mode entry: 25 sec
Waiting for Ship Mode entry: 30 sec
Check peer controller completion
No peer responding, peer battery is off
Batteries are now in Ship Mode!
Placing array in standby mode. To exit standby mode press and hold a
standby switch on any controller in the array.
4. Switch off the enclosure power supplies.
Note: If you are using a network connection, the session will be disconnected before the array is fully
shut down. Confirm that the ACT LED on each control module is off (not lit) before turning off power
to the array at the power supply.