Users Guide

Using the eqllog Facility
To gather information for EqualLogic support, you can run the EqualLogic Log Gathering Facility (eqllog) to collect system logs and
information about the current running state of your configuration.
The eqllog facility gathers log files, configuration files, and command output, and bundles this information in a compressed tar file for easy
storage and transmission. The name of the file is eqllog-YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.tar.bz2, where YYYYMMDDHHMMSS indicates the date
and time eqllog was run. If no -dir argument is used to specify a target directory, the file is created in the default /tmp directory.
Command Syntax
The command syntax is as follows:
eqllog [parameters]
--help | -h
--dir directory | -d
--output location | -o
--timeout integer | -t
--notar | -n
--skip module1 [,module2...] | -s
The following table describes the optional eqllog parameters.
Table 42. eqllog Parameters
Parameter Abbr. Argument Description
--version none none Displays the installed version of eqllog.
--help -h none Displays the eqllog command syntax.
--dir -d directory Specifies the staging directory for all information. The default is /
--output -o location Overrides the default output location. Normally, the output location
(directory and tarball) are autogenerated based on the current date
and time. You must specify the full path (ignores --dir).
--timeout -t integer Specifies the maximum time to wait for each command to
complete. The default is 30 seconds.
--notar -n none Collects the log information in the staging area but does not create
a compressed tarball.
--no-syslog none none Skips syslog collections.
--skip -s module Skips the listed module or modules. Available modules are
equallogic, system, network, iscsi, block, and cluster.
To run the facility, enter the eqllog command alone or with optional arguments. When eqllog executes, ignore output errors, because
some of the captured information is not relevant for all system configurations. The final line of the command output lists the name of the
file that contains your system information.
Although eqllog does not actively seek to record confidential or personal data, you might want to review the
contents of the tar file to ensure it is free of such information.
Example: eqllog Output
The following shows the output of the eqllog command without any options.
# eqllog
Capturing EqualLogic configuration, logs, and state