Users Guide

(Conditional) On OEL 7.x systems, to view kernel module contents that might have been installed during the installation procedure:
# rpm -qa *dm-switch* equallogic-host-tools-kernel --filesbypkg
The following table summarizes the installation components.
Table 2. Installation Components
Path Description
Configuration Files
Configuration file location for HIT/Linux
Eqltune-specific configuration scriptlets
Binary Applications
Dell EqualLogic Auto-Snapshot Manager CLI (ASMCLI)
EqualLogic Host Connection Manager daemon
EqualLogic Host Connection Manager CLI
EqualLogic Configuration Utility
EqualLogic Log Gathering Facility
EqualLogic Host Performance and Configuration Tuning tool
EqualLogic Volume Utility for Thin-Provisioned Volumes
Remote Setup Wizard CLI (RSWCLI)
Kernel Module
extra/ dm-switch/dm-switch.ko
Source and pre-built binaries for dm-switch kernel module; applies to systems that install
these kernel components using DKMS
Common Files
Shared library that implements much of the RSWCLI functionality
Shared library for back-end ASM functions
Shareable image library to support asmcli and eqlvolume.
Supporting files for eqltune, eqlconfig, and eqllog
Example udev customization file
Bash completion support scripts
Top-level bash completion script
Shell profile integration script
Startup script for /usr/sbin/ehcmd
Cluster SCSI fencing integration startup script (RHEL Server only)
/lib/udev/rules.d/ (all others) Location of the installed udev rules. For a full explanation of the rules installed, see Using
the udev Facility.
HIT/Linux runtime data storage
System configuration files backed up by eqltune
Installing and Configuring HIT/Linux 15