Administrator Guide

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strongSwan allows you to specify properties that apply to all connections (conn %default). The auto=route directive
tells strongSwan to install an IPsec security policy into the host's security policy database for every dened connection. If this
directive were not present here, it would need to appear in the conguration for every connection.
keyexchange=ikev1 is necessary because by default it will use/expect IKE version 1 for the key exchange algorithm. If you
try to connect from the strongSwan side, strongSwan defaults to IKEv2 if this parameter is missing. Because IKEv1 is
expected, the result is a failure to connect. The converse is not true; if the connection is initiated from the PS side, then
strongSwan accepts either IKEv1 or IKEv2.
Two more "connections" are dened, one for each of the IP addresses on the array. The names are used by strongSwan to
keep track of the connections. For example, you can ask for the status of a specic connection by name, shut down a
connection by name, and so on. Connection names must be unique from one another. For example, you cannot have two
connections named kirt5eth0.
type=tunnel tells strongSwan that tunnel-mode IPsec is to be used for the connection. The alternative is transport mode
type=transport). This mode must be consistent with the array's conguration; that is, you need to congure the array
side to also use transport or tunnel mode.
authby=psk means that strongSwan expects to use pre-shared keys for authentication. In this example, it was implemented
as a per-connection conguration item, but it could also be specied for the default connection, meaning that all connections
would use pre-shared keys. The array's conguration must also use pre-shared keys.
Here is the ipsec.secrets le:
# This file holds shared secrets or RSA private keys for authentication.
# RSA private key for this host, authenticating it to any other host
# which knows the public part. Suitable public keys, for ipsec.conf, DNS,
# or configuration of other implementations, can be extracted conveniently
# with "ipsec showhostkey".
: PSK "my_shared_key"
# %any : PSK "my_shared_key"
# %any : PSK "my_shared_key"
NOTE: This le denes a single pre-shared key that can be used for any connection dened in ipsec.conf. In the
commented-out examples, connection-specic pre-shared keys are provided; %any represents any IP address on the
strongSwan side. Using %any is easier than specifying that host's IP address (which if done incorrectly results in a failure
to establish a connection).
Example 3: Tunnel Mode (Between Linux Hosts) Using Certicate-Based Authentication
In Figure 12. Tunnel Mode Between Linux Hosts Using Certicate-Based Authentication, an IPsec connection is established between
Linux hosts running strongSwan and the PS Series group. The IPv4 and IPv6 trac is protected using certicates. Either IKEv1 or
IKEv2 can be used in this conguration. This particular example uses IKEv2.
About Group-Level Security