Technical Guide

Table Of Contents
PowerEdge R350 acoustics
Dell EMC PowerEdge R350 is a rack-mount server appropriate for attended data center environment. However, lower acoustical
output is attainable with proper hardware or software configurations. For example, the minimum configuration of R350 is quiet
enough for typical office environment.
R350 configuration specification is in ENG0020658. (refer to the category definitions).
Dell typically categorizes servers in five categories of acoustically acceptable usage:
Category 1: Table-top in Office Environment
Category 2: Floor-standing in Office Environment
Category 3: General Use Space
Category 4: Attended Data Center
Category 5: Unattended Data Center
Category 3: General Use Space
When Dell determines that a specific Enterprise product is to be predominantly used in a general use space, then the acoustical
specification of Dell Enterprise category 3 applies. These products could be found in laboratories, schools, restaurants, open
office space layouts, small ventilated closets, etc., though not in close proximity to any particular person nor in quantities
greater than a few in any location. People within proximity of a few of these products should not experience any impact to
speech intelligibility or annoyance from the noise of the product. A rack product sitting on a table in a common area is an
Table 17. Dell Enterprise category 3, General Use acoustical specification category
Position re
Metric, re
Test Modes, re AC0159 (note must be in steady state, see AC0159, except where
noted below)
Standby in
23±2° C
Idle in 23±2° C
Operating in
23±2° C
Ambient if
not otherwise
specified in
the programs
then processor
and hard drive
modes are
Simulate (i.e., set air mover
speeds representative) for Idle
at 28 & 35° C Ambient
and for 100% loading and
maximum configuration, at 35°
C Ambient
Sound Power LWA,m, B 5.2 5.5 5.8 Report
Sound Quality
(both positions
must meet
limits): Front
Binaural HEAD
and Rear
Tones, Hz, dB No prominent tones per criteria D.10.6 and D.10.8 of
Report tones
Tonality, tu 0.35 0.35 0.35 Report
Dell Modulation,
40 40 40 Report
Loudness, sones Report Report Report Report
point, dBA
Report Report Report Report
Front Binaural
Oscillation (see AC0159), if observed, during 20-
minute steady-state observation, must adhere to
the following two criteria:
Max. {ΔLpA} < 3.0 dB
Event count < 3 for 1.5 dB < ΔLpA < 3.0 dB
Report Acoustical Jump (see AC0159) during air
mover speed transition from Idle to Operating
Startup behavior
Report Startup behavior re. AC0159
Power, thermal, and acoustics 29