
A Principled Technologies test report 27
The datacenter in a box performance test: Comparing Dell and HP
blade solutions
<setproperty DestFile="test.doc" />
<setproperty NumberOfFileVersions="3" />
<setproperty DocumentLibraryNameBase2="testdoclib_B" />
<setproperty NumberOfLists="10" />
<setproperty ListNameBase="testlist" />
<setproperty NumberOfListItems="20" />
<setproperty webpartpath="webpartpagesfolder" />
c. Open the command prompt and execute the script:
C:\>WSSDW.exe WSS_Data_Population_Sample_File.xml
5. Complete the following steps on the SharePoint 2010 test client:
a. Extract the contents of WSS Performance Load Test to C: drive on the SharePoint test client.
b. On the SharePoint test client, open the WSSTransactions folder, right-clickEdit, and modify the following
files as follows:
Under username,password enter test.local\administrator,Password1 and
remove the remaining entries.
Under serverUrl replace http://server with http://spserver to match the server
name of the SharePoint 2010 VM.
Under username,password replace domain\username,password with
c. Open the WssTestProject.sln file in Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate.
d. When prompted, click Next.
e. Click Finish.
f. When prompted, leave the Retarget the project to .NET Framework 4. After the project opens, you can
retarget it to another Framework or Profile radio button selected, and click OK.
g. Click Close.
h. In the Solution Explorer pane, scroll to WSSDispForm, and double-click it.
i. Expand the top menu under WSSDispForm in the left pane, expand Validation rules, and delete the FindText
entry that references mysite.aspx.
j. Click Save.
k. Repeat steps h through j for WSSHomePage and WSSSmallDocLibAllItems.
l. Click ProjectAdd Load Test.
m. At the Welcome to the Create New Load Test Wizard, click Next.
n. Enter Test for the load test scenario name, change the think time between test iterations to 45 seconds,
and click Next.
o. At the Load pattern settings for a load test scenario screen, select Constant load, enter 125 for the User
Count, and click Next.
p. Click Next at the Select a test mix model for the load test.
q. At the Add test to a load test scenario and edit the test mix, click Add and select the following tests from the
list below. Additionally, modify the distribution as follows:
WSSDispForm 10%
WSSDocHTTPFetch 30%
WSSHomePage 20%WSSSmallDocLibAllItems 30%