Administrator Guide

Table Of Contents
buffer Enter the keyword buffer. To display the total buffer
statistics for the stack unit, enter the keyword total-
. To display the buffer statistics for a specific unit,
enter the keyword unit and a unit number from 0 to 5 .
To display the buffer statistics for a specific port, enter the
keyword port and a port number from 1 to 128 .
To display total buffer information for the port, enter the
keywords buffer-info. To display a queue range, enter 0
to 14 for a specfic queue or
cpu data-plane
(Optional) Enter the keywords cpu data-plane
then the keywords stack port and its
number, from 0 to 52 to display the data plane statistics,
which shows the High Gig (Higig) port raw input/output
counter statistics to which the stacking module is
cpu i2c
Z9000 only: Enter the keywords cpu i2c statistics to
display active i2c address statistics.
Enter the keywords cpu management statistics to
display the counters of the management port.
cpu sata-
Enter the keywords cpu sata-interface statistics to
display the sata interface error counter statistics.
drops [unit
[port port-
number | no]]
Enter the keyword drops to display internal drops on the
selected stack member. Enter the drops keyword to display
internal drops on the selected stack member. Option unit 0
followed by port 1-104 (in S6000) is based on internal/
hardware port number” and “option user-port 0-127 is to see
the drop using user port numbering convention.
fpga register Enter the keyword to display the register value of fpga
resgister details in S4810, Z9000 and S6000.
Enter the keywords stack-port and a stacking port number
to select a stacking port for which to display statistics. The
range is 0.
unit unit-
{counters |
details | port-
stats [detail] |
Enter the keyword unit then 0 to 5 and then enter one of
the following keywords to troubleshoot errors on the
selected port-pipe and to give status on why a port is not
coming up to register level: counters, details, port-
stats [detail]
, or register.
TI monitor Enter the unit keyword to show information regarding the TI
Debugging and Diagnostics