Reference Guide

Content Addressable Memory (CAM) | 243
Content Addressable Memory (CAM)
Content Addressable Memory (CAM) is supported on platforms: e
c s z
Content Addressable Memory on page 243
CAM Profiles on page 244
Microcode on page 246
CAM Profiling for ACLs on page 246
When to Use CAM Profiling on page 249
Important Points to Remember on page 249
Select CAM Profiles on page 250
CAM Allocation on page 250
Test CAM Usage on page 251
View CAM Profiles on page 252
View CAM-ACL settings on page 253
View CAM-ACL settings on page 253
Configure IPv4Flow Sub-partitions on page 255
Configure Ingress Layer 2 ACL Sub-partitions on page 257
Return to the Default CAM Configuration on page 259
CAM Optimization on page 260
Applications for CAM Profiling on page 260
Troubleshoot CAM Profiling on page 261
Content Addressable Memory
Content Addressable Memory (CAM) is a type of memory that stores information in the form of a lookup
table. On Dell Force10 systems, the CAM stores Layer 2 and Layer 3 forwarding information, access-lists
(ACL), flows, and routing policies. On Dell Force10 systems, there are one or two CAM (Dual-CAM)
modules per port-pipe depending on the type of line card.
The ExaScale EH and EJ series line cards are single-CAM line cards that support 10M and 40M CAM
for storing the lookup information.