Reference Guide

Z-Series Debugging and Diagnostics | 897
Figure 48-2. Verifying the Offline/Online Status of a Z-Series Stack Unit
FTOS#show system brief | no-more
Stack MAC : 00:01:e8:a9:81:9e
Reload-Type : normal-reload [Next boot : normal-reload]
-- Stack Info --
Unit UnitType Status ReqTyp CurTyp Version Ports
0 Management offline Z9000 Z9000 9-0-0-0 128
1 Member not present
2 Member not present
3 Member not present
4 Member not present
5 Member not present
6 Member not present
7 Member not present
-- Power Supplies --
Unit Bay Status Type Temperature(deg C) FanSpeed(rpm)
0 0 up AC 40 13888
0 1 up AC 42 14851
-- Fan Status --
Unit Bay TrayStatus Fan0 Speed Fan1 Speed
0 0 up up 0 up 0
0 1 up up 16000 up 16000
0 2 up up 16000 up 16000
0 3 up up 16000 up 16000
Speed in RPM
3. Start diagnostics on the unit using the command diag, as shown in the output example below. When
the tests are complete, the system displays syslog Message 1, and automatically reboots the unit.
Diagnostic results are printed to a file in the flash using the filename format
As shown in the following output example, log messages differ somewhat when diagnostics are done on a
standalone unit.
Message 1 Offline Diagnostics Complete
FTOS#00:20:26 : Diagnostic test results are stored on file: flash:/TestReport-SU-0.txt
FTOS#00:20:31: %Z9000:0 %DIAGAGT-6-DA_DIAG_DONE: Diags finished on stack unit 0
Diags completed... Rebooting the system now!!!