Reference Guide

1044 | Security |
radius-server host
c e s z
Configure a RADIUS server host.
radius-server host {hostname | ip-address | ipv6-address} [auth-port port-number] [retransmit
retries] [timeout seconds] [key [encryption-type] key]
To delete a RADIUS server host or return to the default values, use the no radius-server host
{hostname | ip-address | ipv6-address} [auth-port] [retransmit] [timeout] command.
Not configured.
Command Modes
Version Introduced for C-Series
pre-Version Introduced for E-Series
Enter the name of the RADIUS server host.
Enter the IP address, in dotted decimal format, of the RADIUS server
Enter the IPv6 address in the x:x:x:x::x format of the RADIUS server
Note: The :: notation specifies successive hexadecimal fields of
auth-port port-number (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword auth-port followed by a number as
the port number.
Range: zero (0) to 65535
The default
port-number is 1812.
retransmit retries (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword retransmit followed by a number as
the number of attempts. This parameter overwrites the radius-server
retransmit command.
Range: zero (0) to 100
Default: 3 attempts
timeout seconds (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword timeout followed by the seconds the
time interval the switch waits for a reply from the RADIUS server. This
parameter overwrites the radius-server timeout command.
Range: 0 to 1000
Default: 5 seconds
key [encryption-type] key (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword key followed by an optional
encryption-type and a string up to 42 characters long as the
authentication key. This authentication key is used by the RADIUS host
server and the RADIUS daemon operating on this switch.
For the encryption-type, enter either zero (0) or 7 as the encryption type
for the
key entered. The options are:
0 is the default and means the password is not encrypted and stored
as clear text.
7 means that the password is encrypted and hidden.
Configure this parameter last because leading spaces are ignored.