Reference Guide

Control and Monitoring | 147
Not configured.
Command Modes
EXEC Privilege
c e s z
Connect through Telnet to a server.
telnet {host | ip-address | ipv6-address prefix-length | vrf vrf instance name } [/
-l username (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword -l followed by your user name.
Default: The user name associated with the terminal
Version Introduced on the Z9000
Version Introduced on S-Series
host Enter the name of a server.
ip-address Enter the IPv4 address in dotted decimal format of the server.
Enter the IPv6 address in the x:x:x:x::x format followed by the prefix
length in the /x format.
Range: /0 to /128
Note: The :: notation specifies successive hexadecimal fields of zeros
vrf instance (Optional) E-Series Only: Enter the keyword vrf followed by the VRF
Instance name.
source-interface (OPTIONAL) Enter the keywords /source-interface followed by the
interface information to include the interface’s IP address.
Enter the following keywords and slot/port or number information:
For a 100/1000 Ethernet interface, enter the keyword
GigabitEthernet followed by the slot/port information.
For a 1-Gigabit Ethernet interface, enter the keyword
GigabitEthernet followed by the slot/port information.
For a Loopback interface, enter the keyword loopback followed by a
number from zero (0) to 16383.
For the Null interface, enter the keyword null followed by 0.
For a Port Channel interface, enter the keyword port-channel
followed by a number:
C-Series and S-Series Range: 1-128
E-Series Range: 1 to 32 for EtherScale, 1 to 255 for TeraScale
For SONET interface types, enter the keyword sonet followed by the
slot/port information.
For a 10-Gigabit Ethernet interface, enter the keyword
TenGigabitEthernet followed by the slot/port information.
For a VLAN interface, enter the keyword vlan followed by a number
from 1 to 4094.
For a 40-Gigabit Ethernet interface, enter the keyword fortyGigE
followed by the slot/port information.