Reference Guide

Access Control Lists (ACL) | 259
Configure a filter to forward routes that match the route’s COMMUNITY attribute.
permit {community-number | local-AS | no-advertise | no-export | quote-regexp
regular-expressions-list | regexp regular-expression}
To remove this filter, use the no permit {community-number | local-AS | no-advertise |
no-export | quote-regexp regular-expressions-list | regexp regular-expression} command.
Not configured
Command Modes
Enter the community number in AA:NN format where AA is the AS number (2
bytes) and NN is a value specific to that autonomous system.
local-AS Enter the keywords local-AS to drop all routes with the COMMUNITY attribute of
All routes with the NO_EXPORT_SUBCONFED (0xFFFFFF03) community
attribute must not be advertised to external BGP peers.
no-advertise Enter the keywords no-advertise to drop all routes containing the well-known
community attribute of NO_ADVERTISE.
All routes with the NO_ADVERTISE (0xFFFFFF02) community attribute must not
be advertised to other BGP peers.
no-export Enter the keywords no-export to drop all routes containing the well-known
community attribute of NO_EXPORT.
All routes with the NO_EXPORT (0xFFFFFF01) community attribute must not be
advertised outside a BGP confederation boundary.
Enter the keyword regexp followed by a regular expression. Use one or a
combination of the following:
. = (period) matches on any single character, including white space
* = (asterisk) matches on sequences in a pattern (zero or more sequences)
+ = (plus sign) matches on sequences in a pattern (one or more sequences)
? = (question mark) matches sequences in a pattern (0 or 1 sequences). You must
enter an escape sequence (CNTL+v) prior to entering the ? regular
[] = (brackets) matches a range of single-character patterns.
^ = (caret) matches the beginning of the input string. (If the caret is used at the
beginning of a sequence or range, it matches on everything BUT the characters
$ = (dollar sign) matches the end of the output string.
_ = (underscore) matches a comma (,), left brace ({), right brace (}), left
parenthesis, right parenthesis, the beginning of the input string, the end of the
input string, or a space.
| = (pipe) matches either character.
Version Introduced on E-Series ExaScale
pre-Version Introduced for E-Series